Election night was an emotional one. Obama, POTUS-elect, represents the realization of this once-again-great nation's potential for positive change. And while my heart was, no doubt, elated by Obama's election, the outcome of prop8 still weighed heavily on my mind. In a state that was supposed to be so progressive, so free-thinking, in a country that had just, in a landslide, elected Obama as president, Prop8 passed in California. 52% of California voters had the audacity to strip the civil rights away from their neighbors...so they could sleep a little easier. An entire California demographic reduced to second-rate citizens because 2% (that's comparable to the population of Bakersfield) voted yes.
Grandma: If you live in California, you do, sweetie.
We read fairytales to children, teaching them that EVERYONE deserves to fall in love, live happily ever after. Prop8 changes that, quickly turning fairytales into a farce. Prop8 says - Sure, everyone deserves a fairytale ending...unless your gay that is, then your shit outta luck - but at least everyone else gets to live happily ever after!
So for the first time in a long time...I am proud to be an American, so happy to call Obama my president (elect), but embarassed to be a Californian.
The fight to overturn Prop8 continues...
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